Initial Idea

First Stage of Planning

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The first week was all about developing ideas, I used Padlet to create an interactive mood board in order to brainstorm. I used the themes from the European Youth Award to inspire ideas. I looked further into topics such as Mental Health, Language and Animal Welfare. These are all topics that I am passionate about. I thought about considering making a digital media product in relation to language barriers but there are so many Apps and Websites already out there, some of which work really well. Also, there is a new piece of technology that has been created to resolve this problem, it’s an ear piece that translates any foreign language into a language you can understand.

Chosen Category

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I have chosen to base my proposal on the topic of Mental Health.

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The charity Mind have created an App for students called Emoodji which helps students to cope with the struggles of student life by enabling them to track their mood and expressing how they are feeling.